Saturday, December 22, 2012

Round and round

A glimpse into my life... I am a mother of three, a 14 year old autistic son and 2 girls ages 10 and 7. We live in a semi rural part of the east coast and love our area. With that being said, this is a blog created for mothers  of Autistic children who have ever just had to shake their heads and walk away. If you have an autistic child then you know what I'm talking about. In the past 11 years I have had several times like that. Some days I want to scream but most days I try to relate and teach him how to live in a non-autistic world because lets face it, our children need so much more support than the "average" child. Our children need extra patience, love, understanding and most of all empathy even though they don't understand it themselves. We as mothers feel that we are constantly trying to fix, excuse and control how our children respond and behave in public and its exhausting. 

My son is now 14 and bless his heart an A-B student in a regular high school and thriving. It has been a long road to get to where he is now but I wouldn't give it up because I am who I am today because of him. My present goal is to give my son scenarios and  hypothetical situations for him to think through, sort of like little puzzles, to help him in the future. While he is 14 on the outside, he's only about 8 on the inside. Meaning that socially and emotionally he is stunted to about half of his numerical age. This makes it hard to judge what is "age Appropriate" and what is not, making life even more confusing for all living it. Can I get an "Amen"? So please join me as I begin to blog about our past and future adventures Living and Loving in an Autistic World.

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