Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pulling information

My son is involved in chess club one day a week and a member at large for student council which requires another day of the week. He is also in what's called a boys club where he gets to bond with other students who have disabilities but are more excepting.

On Friday he came home from school and sits down to read (one of his usual things when he's not doing homework) and as I sit at the table with him he picks up something and slams it on the table. "Here" he says. So I take a peak inside to find a whole mess of toiletries. I look at him as ask where he got them. Mrs. So in so he says. So now I have to ask a mess load of questions to get to the bottom of it. At one point I think he got confused and took it. Not the case. I'm still not sure but what I think happened was this, During student council all the kids were making holiday bags for low income students and their families. After he completed his he left it there and went home. The school must have had some extra and decided to give them to the kids in the boys group. At least that's what I'm hoping and its not that he's the smelly kid because I take great measures to for him not to be.

Because of his autism simple things such as this are not easily conveyed and what should have only taken maybe 4 minutes turned into 15. Such is our life trying to put all the puzzle pieces together and make sense of it all. He has to do it on a regular basis so its only fair I do it once and a while.

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